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A Life Of Service To Humanity, A Reflection On The Life And Times Of Lady Kosor -By Hajia Hadiza Mohammed

Lady Kosor was an Amazon, a lady of many parts, a woman of great virtues, a sweet mother, a caring and a faithful wife, a woman of principles and intelligence; an ambassador of peace and conflict manager.



Hajia Hadiza Mohammed

In a world imperiled by selfishness it is always a treasure to see one who is selfless and altruistic. In a world peopled by unkind beings, it is always joyous to see one who is kind and caring. In a world of greedy and self-centered people, it is delightful to see one who loves. In a world of strife and anger, the presence of a peacemaker is a thing to be appreciated. In a world of traitors and backstabbers, it is reassuring to see one that watches your back. In a lonely world, it is soothing to know one that can give your succor. It is also a delight to see one who can counsel and encourage you in a time of doubt and confusion. People with these saintly characters touch lives in many positive ways. And even when they depart this sinful world, they never really die for they continue to dwell in the hearts of the many individuals whose lives they have impacted positively. In truth, people with these loftly attributes live life of principles; life of virtue and value. And when they are gone they leave good legacies, memories and mementoes for the living. And so it is with Lady Felicia Onyekaosor the daughter of Chukwurah who, though, have left this world but her attributes and achievements while alive still resonate among the many people who had interface with her.

Lady Kosor as she was fondly known among her people and her peers was a humanist with exceptional love for humanity, a reason she devoted her active years working to uplift the lives of those around her. He was a philanthropist per excellence. When she quit her job in an oil conglomerate where she worked, she established an NGO which was devoted to serving the interest of the vulnerable: the poor, the needy, the widows, the orphans and the motherless babies. She devoted her time, her talent and treasure to the service to humanity. As a trained professional who worked in a multinational corporation, she deployed her wealth of experience and skills to the service of her people. She was a devoted Christian and ordained Deaconess in her church. And because of her commitment to community service, she was given a chieftaincy title of Ojogwuani by her people. The Ojogwuani was a devoted wife, a caring mother and a community leader. She was a good mentor and counselor to those who look up to her. Lady Kosor was a source of inspiration to many. Through her pet projects, capacity-building and empowerment programs, she was able to touch many people.

Generally, it is proper and fitting to reflect on the lives of the individuals who have lived a life worthy of emulation in order to inspire the living. It is customary to remember the dead on the day that they died. But to me, there is no better time to reflect on the life of Lady Kosor than her birthday, the day that she entered this world for obvious reasons. Our own Lady K was born in February, the month of love. It is therefore not surprising that she lived a life of love. She realized early in her live that the greatest commandment, the greatest virtue and practice is love and this philosophy was reflected in all that she did in life. From Asaba her place of birth to Lagos, Illorin, Abuja, London and the many other places she sojourned and traversed she made her marks as a woman of honor.


Lady Kosor was an Amazon, a lady of many parts, a woman of great virtues, a sweet mother, a caring and a faithful wife, a woman of principles and intelligence; an ambassador of peace and conflict manager. Lady Kosor was the elegant lady: elegant in principles, lofty in ideas, dogged in determination, restless in the pursuit of what is right. She had the passion and the obsession for excellence. She broke many frontiers to achieve greatness.

Nobody in the world exists in isolation. Sharing and interdependence is the purpose of life as no one but God is all sufficient. Lady Kosor knew this fact and therefore devoted her life to love and to care for others. And as I reflect on her life, I wish to advise our people to live a life of love and service to the people. Our politicians, administrators, leaders and compatriots should show love and support to the people. This is the elixir for peace, security and progress in the land. Let Nigerians emulate the exemplary conduct of virtuous women like Lady Kosor and our homes will be in peace. Our clerics and religious leaders should preach love. It is the key for peaceful coexistence.

Hajia Hadiza Mohammed


An actress, social activist, politician

London, UK

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