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Article of Faith

Daddy Freeze: Faith, Work, Prayer or Action? -By Nneka Okumazie



Woman praying in RCCG


It is interesting that most of what people know are repackaged as enlightenment and put out there in opposition to the Christian Faith. There is a general attack on prayers, or what people should pray about or how they should pray.

Anyone is entitled to believe whatever they want, or pray however they choose, but the Scriptures – often – says pray.


Although there are usually no direct prayers, made for several kinds of activities, there are general prayers that cover for stuff. Going to fix, or clean, or plug, or switch, or pack something may not be directly prayed about, but a prior prayer for divine help or divine support, or guidance, can be useful for the effort. So prayers go with work, so does Faith.

However, saying people pray too much, or that it is time for action, etc. Seems like a comment that comes more from confusion, or distortion or hubris. All humans learn to do things for themselves most of the time, especially those most reachable and possible, but if not – they ask for or get some help.

So while it is seems foolish to not do what is possible to help oneself, and be praying, it is quite rare – and it is possible whoever does so understands why.


Also, there are several kinds of helpless situations, though it is advisable to not give up, there are times there’s probably nothing else to do, or no way out. So why not pray?

True Christians can pray against peril, against evil, wickedness, darkness, etc. There are mysterious problems everywhere in the world. There are strange stories that defy explanation, and if a person is in an underdeveloped country that is fraught with all kinds of risks, constant prayer is not a bad thing.

The same way privilege is an edge, so is prayer. It does not take away skill development, going to school, job hunting, trying, pushing, staying strong, holding on, or saving, etc.


People have done these and always do. Many understand a lot about their Christian Faith and are fine with the Hope, Faith, Worship, Joy and Blessings they get from it. Prayers are also up to the Sovereign GOD to grant. So it does not mean people just ask the Lord to brush their teeth for them, or for the Lord to lighten up a – no electricity – place without generator, etc.

Surely not impossible as there were very powerful kinds of physics defying miracles in the Old Testament, but there were less of those in the New Testament and were focused mostly on healings and deliverance from oppression.

Praying for Nigeria in Church is not the problem of Nigeria. If governments have failed, so have those with knowledge who could do variety of potent projects to throw at problems towards solutions. Also, there have been several failure and negligence from several other sectors whose accurate and selfless works could have made much difference for the nation, but they failed. So it is only the Church, haters like daddy freeze and supporters can see.


It is quite painful to think that being able to criticize what or why people pray is some wisdom or anything that has any usefulness to how Nigeria can develop.

True Pastors and Churches are not politicians neither do they have the responsibility of a public office. Those involved in the hate campaign are transplanting it as an advantage for their sham. But a survey for it, or any post or comment has no sense in it. It always crumbles under a simple question of whose responsibility is the failure of electricity in Nigeria.

There are major problems everywhere; those confident of their smartness should get in the frontlines for solutions, not some cheap talk against Prayers or the Christian Faith that has an entirely different purpose – NOT national development.



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