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Obama’s visit to Kenya reminds America of its sin of racism -By John Egbeazien Oshodi



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Obama's visit to Kenya


If the founding fathers of the USA came back today, they would take one look at President Barack Obama and then turn to the American people and say we seek for forgiveness from God for the declaration of racial inequality.

The founding fathers of USA unquestionably created a place for universal American freedom for Whites in 1776, and one would have thought that they could have also created independence for Blacks instead they knowingly made racism as a way of life in America. These founding fathers of USA collectively did not see Black people as fully human. To these founding fathers, Africa was a place of inferior race.


More than two hundred years later the founding fathers iniquities and their racial immoralities would be met with a huge line of disapproval from a fast changing demographic America.

Directly from Africa, the man named Barack Hussein Obama, a son of a man from Kenya would become the first Black President of the USA and in the seventh year of his presidency Obama would finally visit his other ancestral home—Kenya.

Except for those in America who are still racially depraved and ideological racist, we all should see the US President’s visit as an understanding that the existential spirit of racism that still craze America and continues to stoke some in White America especially, require shedding by all means to avoid more sins weighing heavily upon America. Just the other day, we all saw how a man called Dylann Roof recently entered the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, and reportedly killed nine African Americans. Roof, as it seems, cared more about white supremacy but he was heinously wrong in his thinking especially when we now live in a time when the founding fathers race superiority foundations are being dismantled slowing and steadily across America.


It is our hope that America will come to recognize that its lingering racial spirit both in its subtle form and overt expression is likely to hurt less within the Black population and among other non-whites, since the new demographic changes stand to benefit mostly nonwhites in terms of political and social empowerment.

In almost every sense this particular visit by Obama unlike his previous visits to Africa, certainly brought a flood of joyous tears to the indigenous people of Africa for one reason only—their humanity like that of everyone else stands tall.

Dr. John Egbeazien Oshodi is a Consultant in National Psychology, and a former Secretary-General of the Nigeria Psychological Association.



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