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UI, UNICAL Profs Narrowly Miss Nobel Prize

The prize was shared among 20 researchers, fourteen of the honorees are based at leading academic institutions in the United States, three are based in Japan, two are based in the United Kingdom and one is based in Germany.



UNICAL Profs Narrowly Miss Nobel Prize

The 2022 Nobel Citation Laureates Prize, which is given to researchers whose works are deemed to be “of Nobel class,” as demonstrated by analysis carried out by the Web of Science and Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), part of Clarivate, failed to be won by two Nigerian professors who were heavily favored.

Professor Oye Gureje from the University of Ibadan reportedly failed to make the cut due to his publications’ limited audience. Professor Oye was named by the Web of Science in 2019 as the “most influential” researcher in Nigeria.
Meanwhile, the Most Read Researcher in Nigeria, Professor Aniebiet Inyang Ntui is said to have missed the prize due to her works’ insufficient widespread citations. Professor Aniebiet Inyang Ntui is the University Librarian of the University of Calabar and has received serveral appointments from the European Union (EU) and in North America.


The prize was shared among 20 researchers, fourteen of the honorees are based at leading academic institutions in the United States, three are based in Japan, two are based in the United Kingdom and one is based in Germany.

Both Researchers will be hoping for an improved performance next year as Nigeria continues its 36 year search for a Nobel-Related Prize after famous playwright Wole Soyinka, won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1986.

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