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Your Reactions Matters -By Musa Affos



Musa Affos

Heartbreak can be very bad especially when it takes you unaware without prior suspicion. I had an experience with that and most of us too.

I could remember vividly that I almost lost my sanity, I was literally not myself and for the first time ever I failed my best course and had my first carryover resulting in the deterioration of my CGPA….Most of us have had similar or worst case of heartbreak but the difference is how we react to it; In my case I almost lost my sanity, I failed my exams and worst of it all was that 7months after the incident, I still felt hurt. My reaction was negative because it almost took eternity before I got healed.


But the same or worse heartbreak happened to other people they learned from it, became wiser and smarter. On the other hand, the same heartbreak turned some people into being players, some doubted the existence of true love others have turned to lesbianism and homosexuals.

Sexual abuse and rape as bad as it is, Orpha Winfrey, was a victim for about 8 years but rose to be one of the most influential women in the world and one of the most influential human in the world. But other victims ended their lives.

At some point in life, leaders and everyone is criticized, some people allow it to demoralise them while others use the same criticism to improve and get better. It all depends on their reactions.


About a year ago there was a trend of students ending their lives because of academic failure, others choose to abscond from school while another decided to damn the consequence by absorbing and tolerating the mockery & stigmatisation and now that fellow has a CGPA of 4 points. The difference is how they react to circumstances.

Some ladies got pregnant out of wedlock, they either chose to abort it, others threw the baby in the bin. Same thing happened to another and she decided to keep the baby, grow it, face the stigmatisation and then use it to learn from it.

It doesn’t really matter what happens to you. What actually matters is how you react to it, your reaction is the main thing. What happens to you doesn’t really matter. What matters is how you react to it – reaction either makes you or breaks you; When you react negatively, it doesn’t undo what has been done and the mistakes that have been, You only deny yourself happiness when you worry about something you can’t change. Though positive reactions won’t undo what has been done, it makes you realise you’re human capable of making mistakes, gives you the opportunity to be better and also helps you heal fast.


The challenges life places on our paths are not meant to break us but are intended to make us better people, groom us and set us ready for the future. When next you’re faced with one, try and react positively. Greatness awaits you.

Musa Affos (Rhapsodi) is a blogger & Social Media Activist.


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